
Water is a valuable resource that belongs to all the state’s citizens. MDEQ’s programs and initiatives address both water quality and water quantity to protect the state’s valuable resources. MDEQ is responsible for dealing with issues related to the water quality of all intrastate, interstate, and coastal waters. The quality of these waters has a profound effect upon the health and welfare of citizens, wildlife, fish, and aquatic life, as well as domestic, agricultural, industrial, and recreational activities.

To ensure the proper conservation and management of water, MDEQ pursues a conjunctive water management approach that coordinates the use of the ground and surface water resources of the state to satisfy desired water needs.  MDEQ strives to ensure that the use, storage, allocation, and management of water resources be accomplished to the fullest extent possible; and, that water pumped and impounded in Mississippi complies with applicable permit regulations.

Water Discharge Permits Applications

2025 MDEQ - ARPA Budget Request